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Water management


Water management is integral to achieving net zero carbon. Good soil management maintains and enhances water quality and regulates water flow. Soils facilitate the infiltration of water and water storage, thereby influencing the rate of surface run-off and times to peak flow. Conversely, excessive run-off from degraded or compacted soils leads to erosion of topsoil and soil organic matter and depletes valuable nutrients with negative impacts on soil fertility and water quality. The Severn Trent Environmental Protection Scheme (STEPS) works with landowners and farmers in priority catchments to improve water quality and enhance water availability.


Natural Flood Management (NFM)

NFM uses natural processes to reduce the risk of flooding and erosion. It generally involves three mechanisms: increasing filtration, for example by reducing soil compaction or improving soil quality; storing water, by restoring functioning floodplains or digging retaining ponds; and slowing flows by creating woodland buffer strips or “leaky dams” of woody material. Shropshire Wildlife Trust and Shropshire Council operate a “Slow the Flow” project working with landowners on natural flood management techniques. 

Image by Nazrin Babashova
A new type of river management

Cartoon explaining simply a holistic approach to river and water management and why we have to consider the whole system (4 minutes).

Natural flood management

Demonstrating simple practical methods of ‘slowing the flow’ and improving water quality in water catchments (7 minutes).

How to get involved  

The following organisations are involved in flood prevention and river restoration:

  • Communities Prepared equips  Community Emergency Volunteer (CEV) and Flood Warden groups with the knowledge, skills and confidence to prepare for, respond to, and recover from flooding and other emergencies. 

  • Severn Rivers Trust is an independent charity established in 2008 to protect and enhance the River Severn, its tributaries and streams. This includes restoration projects, community engagement and land management projects with landowners. For volunteering opportunities click here.

  • If you are interested in getting involved with monitoring river pollution, contact the Severn Rivers Trust and Shropshire Wildlife Trust. 



Thanks to Dave Lewis, Clun Monitoring Group for the photograph

If you would like to participate, volunteer or find out more, please email us at:

Shropshire Climate Action is Registered Charity number 1196174, Company number 12998290

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