Shropshire Climate Action

Land & biodiversity
Farmers are the wardens of our land. In their hands lies both great potential and great challenges – feeding a growing population whilst also restoring ecological health. Land use is crucial to achieve a net zero carbon future as the land represents a significant sink in which to store carbon.
Many Shropshire farmers are pioneering new methods of agricultural production and the industry as a whole has committed to achieve a net zero carbon future. The climate crisis will test our food supply chains and there will be a need to build local food resilience and local food networks.
SSCA does not want to duplicate what is already happening, but to lend support, share best practice and be an advocate for positive change. We do this in collaborative partnerships, as active members of:
Zero Carbon Shropshire (the county-wide group) Land and Biodiversity Working Group
The Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership Board, and its Climate Group
SSCA's Next Steps report identified a menu of opportunities for positive land use and a toolkit for change. Implementation of this menu rests with a range of collaborative partners and local initiatives.