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You don’t have to be a landowner or have a big garden to make a major contribution to South Shropshire’s part of the planet. Whatever the size of our garden, even our windowsill, we can increase the planet’s health and vitality, as well as making a positive impact on our own wellbeing.


Things to consider:

  • Observe 'no-mow' periods on your lawn

  • Grow fruit and vegetables where possible

  • Plant for pollinators

  • Create a pond - however small, this is fantastic habitat for amphibians and other creatures

  • Grow a native hedge as a living boundary


Kids Gardening
How we can garden to help nature 

Local expert, Sue Crichton from Abdon & Wheathill, promotes ways to garden while creating habitats to encourage insects, amphibians, birds and bats.


Use this checklist to see how to make your garden more wildlife friendly.

Follow Natural Networks Around Brown Clee (NNABC) via their Facebook page to find out more.


Information online:

Here are seven links to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) website, looking at specific topics: 


Why not persuade your local Gardening Club to invite speakers on some of these ideas?


Shropshire Organic Gardeners (SOGS) has information about organic gardening and events such as plant exchanges etc.

See Shropshire-based Nancy Lowe's website, to find out about talks, clubs and courses.


Check out Shropshire Wildlife Trust's website which has information about helping wildlife thrive in our gardens 


Green House
Support for schools

Seedpips Garden Club and Produce Project CIC currently supports Corvedale CE Primary School, Diddlebury with their weekly gardening club and a community larder. They want to facilitate and support volunteer led gardening club sessions and schemes in schools across South Shropshire.

If you would like to participate, volunteer or find out more, please email us at:

Shropshire Climate Action is Registered Charity number 1196174, Company number 12998290

Click here for a copy of SCA's privacy policy


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