Shropshire Climate Action
Reduce consumption
Easy actions to save energy and money
Reduce use: turn things off, don’t overfill kettles, control room temperatures, use curtains and blinds
Install LED lighting
Draught proof doors and windows
Look at the efficiency of your appliances and boilers. Efficient appliances can save 50% compared to inefficient ones
Consider using smart controls and remote control radiator valves
Here are some Top Tips from Stretton Climate Care
Find out what the carbon footprint of your household is and get some further ideas on how to reduce it

Watch this video of a local Shropshire couple
discussing their tips to save energy, water and money
A Shropshire couple discuss the changes they have made to their 1980's bungalow to reduce their energy and water use and the impact this has had on their bills and carbon footprint. Use their useful tips and information to make changes in your home.