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What can you do as an individual?

What is your Carbon Footprint?


Carbon Footprint calculators are online tools to measure the amount of carbon emissions generated by the way people live   The calculator may require information about your home, diet, how you get about, what you buy etc. From your answers it will calculate your carbon footprint.


There are many carbon footprint calculators, (we have included some examples), all use similar data sources but the assumptions they use about carbon use mean they may generate slightly different footprints. 


The important thing is to choose a calculator that appeals to you, and stick with it.  By repeating your carbon calculations every 6 months you will be able to track your progress towards zero carbon.

Grocery Shopping
Try out these Carbon Footprint Calculators        

Explore your personal carbon footprint with these handy online carbon footprint calculators. You may be surprised!

Image by Alexander Grey

"Cutting your Carbon Footprint" leaflet 

SSCA’s "Cutting your Carbon Footprint" leaflet provides practical steps to reduce your carbon emissions. 

South Shropshire Climate Action cutting your carbon footprint

Book a Climate Fresk workshop

Learn about the climate crisis and what you can do to help


Climate Fresk is a 3 hour facilitated workshop where you can get to grips with climate change in small groups in a safe, non-judgemental space, learn how to take action and enjoy some thought-provoking discussions.  The workshops explore key drivers, mechanisms, and impacts of climate change, and map out where we are today and where we could be headed if we join forces.


Previous participants have said: ‘I knew a fair bit about climate change but I learned so much new stuff. It was incredibly powerful sharing ideas in the group and understanding how everything is connected. We discussed next steps we could take and I left feeling focused and upbeat’. 


If you are a community group or group of friends living in Shropshire or Telford & Wrekin and want to book a half day Climate Fresk workshops which includes all the materials, find out more via the BizEd Projects website

or email


Sign up to a local challenge

The Great Collaboration  is an online Toolkit set up by Herefordshire Green Network which contains 60 different carbon reducing actions you can take rated by cost and carbon impact. There are actions suitable for all individual circumstances. 

  • You can enter the carbon reducing actions you've already taken.

  • Say which actions you’ll commit to next and which you won't do (and why).

  • The Toolkit will use your anonymous information, along with everyone else's, to paint a powerful picture of what's happening locally.

  • This information can be used to inform your local council and help them develop a carbon reduction plan based on specific, local needs. 


Sign up to "Take The Jump" national challenge

Take the Jump is a grassroots movement for anyone worried about the state of the planet.  Try the challenge for one month to take six shifts in how you eat, dress, travel, shop, holiday, and can help to change the system.


The goal is a world of less “stuff” and more joy, where humanity is in balance with nature - through helping achieve a two-thirds reduction in the impact of consumption in rich countries by 2030.  Science shows this is what is needed and citizens have a huge role in making it happen.

Join a local climate action group near you

Put in your postcode in to the Mossy Life form below and find a Climate action group near to you.

If you would like to participate, volunteer or find out more, please email us at:

Shropshire Climate Action is Registered Charity number 1196174, Company number 12998290

Click here for a copy of SCA's privacy policy


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