Shropshire Climate Action

Fiona Morgan and Jane Cullen
9 Jul 2023
Promoting climate action, carbon reduction and Nature recovery
We had a lovely day at the Ludlow Green Festival on Sunday 9th July which was organised by Ludlow21.There was a vibrant atmosphere with lots of people enjoying the stalls displaying eco wares, arts and crafts, locally sourced plants, food and drink.
SSCA contributed a series of speakers on key topics. They shared the stage with the bands who played throughout the day, alternating with the Ted-style talks. This worked very well, great bands, great talks including:Â
Nick Read (SSCA)Â 'Faith and Zero Carbon - a guide to church action on climate change'
Allan Wilson (Save Our Shropshire)Â 'Learning to live in the future'Â
Rob Narraway (Marches Energy Agency) 'Is your home future fit? Things to do now!'
Pat Sirling (Friends of the River Wye) 'Saving the Wye through people power'Â Â
Colin Richards (Friends of Mortimer Forest)Â 'Can't see the wood for the trees, improving our plantation forests for wildlife and people'
Our swap stand went down well too with lots of books, CD’s, toys and clothes donated, swapped and given away to encourage people to reuse and share our resources as a key way to reduce our carbon emissions.
We also ran a stall on 'Gardening for Nature' which was festooned with wild flowers and a map of Ludlow town showing each dwelling. Local expert enthusiast Sue Crichton from Abdon & Wheathill joined us to promote and discuss all the possible ways to garden and support wildlife while increasing biodiversity, creating habitats to encourage insects, amphibians, birds and bats. We were also able to display some of the climate photographs by students from Hereford Sixth Form College taking A level photography.Â