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SSCA's Objection to the North West Relief Road Design Amendments

Jane Cullen

10 Mar 2023

Our response to Shropshire Council's NWRR consultation

On behalf of South Shropshire Climate Action we are registering our objection to the North West Relief Road, in all its iterations.


The planning application will clearly lead to irreversible loss of highly valuable greenfield sites and habitats at a time when nature and  many different species are already severely challenged. 


The NWRR creates further massive issues including the risks to Shrewsbury's water supply, the likelihood of overspend and the resulting financial impact on the whole of the county which will suffer further cuts to other budgets (a county already undergoing £50 million cuts), and the negation of local democracy for example in the overriding of Town Council objections including Shrewsbury Town Council itself. 


Planning Application 21/00924/EIA embodies a profound contradiction of all current climate mitigation, the contradiction of Shropshire Council's recently announced support for the Climate and Ecology Bill as well as  all the work that is going on in the county to educate and help communities face the climate emergency. We also note that the application is presented without scientific analysis of the carbon impact of the lifetime of the road and so appears to be a 'vanity project' running counter to the interests of Shrewsbury and the whole county of Shropshire.


Planning Application 21/00924/EIA should be rejected on multiple counts, many not even touched on in this brief objection such as health, public transport and air pollution.


Submitted on behalf of South Shropshire Climate Action.

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