Shropshire Climate Action

Fiona Morgan
6 Oct 2023
SSCA's information stand at Ludlow Library
SSCA volunteer Robin Grimmett managed our stand at Ludlow library on the 6th October. We showcased information from groups across Shropshire on how people can take action to reduce their carbon emissions and support Nature including:
our Retrofit Toolkit produced in partnership with Stretton Climate Care
our Walk Through Ludlow’s Green Spaces leaflet produced with Shropshire Wildlife Trust Ludlow branch
Zero Carbon Shropshire’s leaflets providing tips on the climate action people can takeÂ
Save Our Shropshire’s carbon literacy workshopsÂ
Marches Energy Agency leaflets on energy efficient homes
and Restoring Shropshire’s Verges Project on how to turn roadside verges into wildlife friendly meadows.
We will have a permanent display of leaflets at Ludlow Library and hope to develop similar links with other libraries across the county so that people can gain access to useful information on how they can take climate action.