Shropshire Climate Action

Tony Baker and Fiona Morgan
17 Sept 2024
Hear how local home owner, Mike King, has created a carbon neutral home
Telford resident, Mike King, is the proud owner of the largest domestic solar array in Shropshire, featuring a whopping 48 panels. Not only does Mike’s whole house – and 2 cars – run on green clean electricity - Mike actually makes money on his energy bills!
You can hear Mike talking about the adaptations he has made to his property to make it carbon neutral on the BBC Radio Shropshire - Clare Ashford Show on the 17 September here. The interview is at 1 hour 53 mins and 2 hours 24 mins into the programme.
You can read more about Mike’s inspiring home via the Future Ready Homes website.
You can visit Mike’s house as part of the Green Open Doors event run by local charity Marches Energy Agency, which takes place over 2 weekends, 19–20 October and 26–27 October.  The event is a wonderful opportunity to visit some of the ‘greenest’ homes across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and learn from their owners about:
Air source heat pumps
Solar panels with battery storage
Extra insulation
EV charging
It’s your chance to ask questions of the homeowners to find out why they made the choices they did, and what they learned in the process. The event is free and there are no salesmen. It is the ideal opportunity to gain the confidence and understanding you need to start making energy efficiency improvements to your own home.  Start planning your visits to ‘green’ homes near you by using the postcode search here.Â